Standards Based Assessment & Grading
SKDS follows the Academic standards developed by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Parent Guide to Standards Based Grading
Standards Based Assessment and Grading Presentation
St. Katharine Drexel School Curriculum includes learning experiences designed to facilitate spiritual, intellectual, social, psychological, and psychomotor growth. Individual student needs, abilities, and interests are considered in shaping and implementing the curriculum, which will develop a student’s relationship with God, self, and world. Teachers, administrators, parents, and students are involved in developing, planning, implementing, evaluating, and revising the curriculum.
SKDS curriculum reflects the stated Catholic mission, vision, philosophy, and goals of our school.
- SKDS curriculum takes account of the ideals, the realities, and the diversity of American culture as well as global awareness.
- SKDS curriculum reflects the fundamental principles of growth and development and best practices implemented by schools. It recognizes and makes provisions for faith formation, diverse cultures, special needs, and learning styles.
- SKDS continually evaluates and revises its curriculum. Annually, a different area is reviewed.
- The SKDS curriculum provides for a wide range of instructional strategies and assessment methods in the building of faith community and the development of all curricular areas.
- SKDS uses the exit expectation and alignment grids provided by the Office for Schools. SKDS staff has developed an on-going plan to align curriculum, instruction, and assessment in all content areas. Specific written curriculum includes philosophy, goals, grade level exit expectations, instructional strategies, and assessment methods which are aligned with state and national standards.
- SKDS is required to and follows the Academic Standards as developed by Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
- Technology is integrated into the SKDS curriculum. As a result teaching and learning are enhanced resulting in improved achievement
Standardized Testing Program
In the spring of each school year, SKDS administers the Wisconsin Forward Exam which is an online summative assessment (measuring students’ cumulative progress from the past school year) that is administered in English Language Arts and mathematics for grades 3-8, in science and Social Studies for grades 4 and 8. The Forward Exam provides a measure of students’ knowledge and skills required to be college- and career-ready. The Exam is designed to gauge how well students are doing in relation to the Wisconsin Academic Standards. This is an Archdiocesan requirement for students in our Catholic Schools.
Our students continue to achieve. They continue to make gains from one year to the next. It is also important to remember that these tests present a picture of the student for one moment in time. While these tests are very important, they do not provide the entire portrait of what a student is capable of doing nor do they present the entire depiction of a student’s educational competency. During the assessment timeframe, a child may have been tired, may not have felt well, or may have been distracted. If all aspects in a child’s educational situation indicate struggle (classwork and projects, teacher observation, child lack of interest or school issues, teacher assessment, etc. in addition to the standardized tests), then there is reason for concern.
We also know that we have more average and struggling students in our school population as well as students who are satisfied with mediocrity. Additionally, we know that some students are not test takers. They become very nervous when they have to concentrate on taking standardized tests for several days at a time even though we give breaks, offer encouragement and aim to provide an atmosphere that has a minimum of stress. Assessment, though, is a fact of life.
Technology is utilized in the classroom. SKDS has initiated a one to one personal device program for students in K5-8 which is used to enrich the curriculum in all its various aspects. Keyboarding skills, ethical use of technology and the internet, and general computer skills are taught. We integrate technology into all aspects of the curriculum. It is an important skill/tool which students today must have.
St. Katharine Drexel School has smartboards and computers in all classrooms, and every student K5 through 8th grade has an assigned Chromebook or Chrome tablet. Wi-Fi access is available campus wide.
In the interest of Internet Safety, below are links to some helpful websites.