Fundraising Events

Catholic Schools Walk

Let's walk together to celebrate our Catholic Education on Thursday, October 20th at 2:15 PM.  
Proceeds for this year's walk will be used for a new drinking fountain and sensory area! 

We hope you will support our efforts by making a secure online donation and walking with us on October 20th!

All money raised will be used to help us meet our $5000 fundraising goal!
Every dollar raised by our team will stay with our school!

Scholastic Book Fair

The Book Fair for 2020-2021 was held virtually. It highlighted many of the newest and best books available in children’s literature and award winning titles and authors. When the Fair returns to in person, it generally opens on the Sunday of the week of the Fair with a GRAND day for

Devoted friends

During the week the students visit the fair with their class. We also have a Reading night, filled with fun reading activities. The Book Fair has something for everyone. You’ll want to set aside time to join us to find a “good read”. Funds from the Fair help provide materials for our library as well as cover the costs of field trips.

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Cookie Dough Fundraiser

The Cookie Dough fundraiser is a popular Band Guild Fundraiser held late fall so you can stock up on Cookie Dough for Christmas.  Buy your dough and bake cookies just in time for the holidays.  For more information contact your SKDS Band Guild Officers.

Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction

Annually the Band Guild hosts a Pancake Breakfast  combined with a Silent Auction.  It is  the largest fundraiser for the Band Guild and is instrumental in meeting Band Guild expenses.  The Breakfast/Silent Auction is held in March.  All Band Guild members and students are expected to work at this important and popular community event.