
Band is part of the curriculum.  Band is open to any students in grades 5-8! Band offers students the opportunity to learn to read music and play an instrument in a band setting. We have three bands, the 5th graders are in Junior Band, the 6th graders are in Mezzo Band, and our 7th and 8th grade members combine to form our Senior Band.  The SKDS Marching Band (grades 4-8) participates in the Beaver Dam Memorial Day parade and the Columbus 4th of July parade. In addition to band class, students have small group lessons every two weeks.  When in middle school, students may join Jazz Band on Wednesdays after school.  

Band Grading and Classroom Expectations

Important Band Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year

Band students also may apply for up to $150 summer camp scholarship.  Check back here in Spring for an application!

Marching Band

Spring Band 2024

Composed of grades 4-8, we march in the Beaver Dam Memorial Day Parade and the Columbus 4th of July Parade.  We cut a fine picture.  We are small but mighty!

Jazz Band

Jazz Band is open to all students in grades 6-8! Jazz Band allows students to explore Jazz and popular music styles and methods. Information will be provided to the students each fall in band class. Students practice Wednesdays after school from 3:20-4:20. There is no cost for SKDS band members. There is a cost for any nonband members. Parents are responsible for snacks once a year, transportation to performances, which include SKDS Jazz Fest and BDHS Jazz Fest. Please contact Kim Lopas with any questions. 

Jazz Fest 2018

If you missed 2018's Jazz Fest, see the two videos below for a sample of music from the performance.

Jazzmanian Devil by Mike Story.

Gospel Truth by Carl Strommen.