Builders Club
Builders Club is a student led club whose purpose is to serve the school, community and the world. Part of the Kiwanis family, it is sponsored by the two Beaver Dam Kiwanis Clubs. Students lead the school in Advent, Lent and a fall food collections. Students raise money through bake sales and donate it to the causes that touch their hearts. Works of service are based on student interest and student leadership, but food and fun are always included in an evening of service to others. There is no cost to participate in Builders Club. Please contact Mrs. Scott or Mrs. Warmka for additional information.
Chorus is part of the curriculum. Sixth, Seventh and Eight Graders have several music options. Chorus is one of those options. Students in Chorus perform for the Christmas Program, Spring Vocal Concert, Festival of Educational Arts, and at School Masses.
Forensics is open to all students in grades 6-8! Forensics offers students speaking and acting competitions in a variety of categories. The forensics season runs from November- March, with three optional practices available Monday-Thursday 3:15-5:00PM. Approximately 7 meets are offered to students and students get to select however many meets work for their schedule. The cost for forensics is $5.00 per meet. Parent support includes transportation to meets and, if interested, judging and coaching of students. A letter, description and permission slip will be sent home in the family folder. Please contact Dona Turner or Barb Kalscheur for additional information.
Scout Pack 3724 has a Facebook page. It is a private group. Log into your Facebook account and search for Scouts Pack 3724. Ask to Join.
To learn more information about scouting feel free to contact the Scout Master, Chris Ganske:
Phone: (540) 550-2120